Evseev V.O., Osipov V.S., Sattorov S.A.


Scientific article

UDC 330. 131. 7

Absract.The article presents the discussion held at the VII Scientific and Practical Conference of Analysts of Russia, which took place on 21.10.2022 on the issue of resolving the territorial dispute of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic. The participants identified a possible mediation role of the Russian Federation in resolving the conflict, and also proposed a trilateral international treaty on the disputed territory. It should be noted that the problems associated with the creation of institutions of joint management of the territories of third countries have already been touched upon in the works of Ya, Brownley. The authors propose to fill the category of “protectorate” with new international legal content, which should not lead to the loss or restriction of the legal subjectivity and legal capacity of the States parties to such an international agreement.

Keywords: territorial dispute, Republic of Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, trilateral treaty, protectorate, Brownlee Ya., sovereignty, vassalage, sovereignty, condominium


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