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The editorial board of the Journal does not enter into correspondence with the authors on issues of technique of writing and execution of scientific articles; it does not do operational work to develop the articles to the required scientific and methodical, literary level.

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The editorial board does not translate titles, information about authors, abstracts and keywords into English. It also does not do Latin translit of lists of references!

For publishing in the issues the Journal accepts the papers drawn in accordance with the requirements to scientific articles of the electronic scientific and analytical journal “CITISE”.

The edition of the Journal accepts scientific articles from the authors and creative goups on following branches of sciences:

– 08.00.00 Economic sciences

– 09.00.00 Philosophical sciences

– 13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences

For considering the edition accepts manuscripts (articles, surveys, reviews, scientific essays, other papers) which were not published before and correspond to the subjects of the Journal. The original author’s texts must contain reasoning of urgency of the subject, accurate definition of the purpose and tasks of the research. The content of the article must correspond to edition subjects and contain generalizations, conclusions, which should cause interest with the novelty, scientific and practical significance. The manuscripts offered to the publication, pass obligatory reviewing. Article size is 0.8-1.0 printer’s sheet. No more than 5 co-authors are permitted. The articles are published in Russian. The articles in the English and German language at the good level are welcome.

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3. Information about the authors includes the following elements: the author’s name, patronymic and surname (in full form – Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich) in the Russian and English languages (Ivan Ivanov); the scientific degree (Ph.D), the academic status; the position or the profession; the place of work, study (the full name of the organization – the Russian State Social University), the location, including subdivision (department, faculty); the contact information (E-mail or other contact information, which is placed in the journal); the name of the country. SPIN-code in Russian Science Citation Index: xxxx-xxxx (ORCID: хххххх). The author’s name is written in the Nominative case. In collective works the authors’ names are given in the order accepted by them.

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5. The abstract should contain not less than 200-250 words. The abstract of the article should be informative, original, substantial, structured; it must be a source of the information on the content of the article and the results of the researches stated in it. It includes the following aspects of the content of the article: the subject, the purpose, the method or methodology of the research, the field of application of the results, the novelty, conclusions. Citing is not supposed in the abstract. Abbreviations should be explained.

6. Keywords are chosen from the text of the papers (5-10 words or word combinations) and given in the Nominative case.

7. The text (content) is recommended to be divided in semantic parts: introduction, methodology of research, author’s conceptual approaches to solving the problem and their analysis, obtained results, analysis of the results, conclusions.

8. Introduction contains all necessary qualifying characteristics of the article, introduces the subject, the purpose, tasks of the research; it reflects the results of existing works of the scientists on the given problem and shows the alternatives. Methodology of the research reveals methodological foundation and the logic of the research problem on the basis of the approach used by the author; it introduces the system of the used scientific concepts. Author’s conceptual approaches to solving the problem reveals the features and the logic of solving the research problem. In obtained results the author represents the received actual data in the laconic and informative way; also shows the discovered interrelations and laws, new results, relations, the formulated concepts and conceptual positions, others. Analysis of the results supposes that from the author’s position the value of the present work is stated, the received results are interpreted, necessary explanations are offered. The results can be represented in the form of tables, models etc.; the conclusion contains generalizations, recommendations, estimations, offers according to the research problems.

9. In the list of references it is recommended to follow the requirements of GOST 7.05-2008. According to these requirements, the list of items used from the Internet, should be given in the following way:

Podmarenko A.A. Pedagogical analysis of the concept «officer’s political culture». CITISE, 2020, no. 4, pp.434-446. DOI:

In the text the ordinal number of the reference is pointed out in square brackets, according to the list of references, e.g. [6, p. 24]. Inferior footnotes are not allowed. The bibliographic part of the article is represented with bibliographic references (GOST 7.05-2008) strictly in alphabetic order. Allowed a minimum of 15 sources and the maximum of 25 sources. All sources from the list of references must be noted in the text. Self-citation of no more than 2 sources.

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11. Font Times New Roman, 14 PT, line spacing 1,15; margins 2 cm on all sides, no use of automatic line break. The text alignment is justified. The ordinal number of the reference is pointed out in square brackets, according to the list of references, e.g. [6, p. 24]. Inferior footnotes are not allowed.

Since January 1, 2019 cost of expenses for editing and publishing the article is 3 000 rubles (50 us dollars) . Payment can be made only after receiving the confirmation from the editorial office that your article is accepted and approved for publishing in a certain issue.

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Example of an article



Alexander  Iwanov,

Ph. D, professor of RGSU,

head of scientific advisory council

Center of innovative technologies

and social examination (Moscow)

RSCI SPIN-code:хххх-хххх (ORCID: хххххх)

phone: 8-916-845-38-14


(Russia, Moscow)

 Abstract. The main objective of the study is to analyze the problem of modernization and management of domestic education. It was supposed that taking into account the socio-cultural foundations of the Russian people, their mentality in the system of national education at all levels (pre-school, school, vocational, additional) will allow solving all educational and educational tasks at a high quality level. The methodological basis of the research is the idea and concepts, the scientific positions of well-known Russian thinkers, philosophers, educators, the new person of a noosphere civilization, by means of a domestic education system (M.M. Speransky, I.I. Martynov, I.F. Bogdanovich, I.V. Kireevsky, I.I. Davydov, N.A. Dobrolyubov, I.A. Aksakov, I.V. Kireevsky, K. Ushinsky, P.S. Guriev, N.I. Pirogov, A.S. Khomyakov, A.N. Tolstoy, A.I. Il’in, N.F. Fedorov, V.I. Vernadsky, others). The author insists on the need to use the huge historical socio-cultural potential of Russia, expressing the essence and peculiarities of the evolutionary development of the state and society, in the construction of the state development strategy of all social institutions and structures of the country, in particular the education system.The obtained results of the research allow to realize that it is the culture of the Russian people that is the basis that generates powerful social energy, which is capable of building a social state, with the proper management system. The system of Russian education is a priority social institution of the Russian state, which organizes and implements the process of the formation of a harmonious and comprehensively developed person.

Keywords: world civilization, system of domestic education, control system, social policy, noosphere development, human population, national meanings and values.

Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.


    1. Konovalov A. Y. Mediation in the education system: A review of the experience of different countries. PSYEDU, 2014, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 18–30. (In Russian) DOI: URL:
    2. Smolyaninova O. G., Korshunova V. V., Bezizvestnykh E. A., Popova Yu. V. Mediation practices in education: a multicultural context. Monograph. Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University Publ., 2018, 272 p. (In Russian) URL:

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