Konov M.D., Sharybin E.A.
Research Full Article
UDC 339.564
Annotation. The purpose of the study is to study the challenges and promising directions for the development of export potential in the industry from the EAEU countries on the basis of strategic planning. In the context of geopolitical tensions and active diversification of the cross-border movement of resources in the global energy market, the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) face the need to adapt their export policies in the field of fossil energy and electricity. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to identify the factors that play a key role in competitiveness in this industry, as well as to determine which strategy for the development of energy exports from the EAEU countries should be presented in the coming years. The research methods are based on an integrated approach to the analysis of macroeconomic indicators and the geopolitical situation in the energy industry. The results of the study. A comprehensive approach is proposed to study promising areas for the development of energy exports from the EAEU countries using strategic planning tools such as SWOT analysis, competitiveness analysis, analysis of the share of energy exports in the structure of foreign trade, expert assessment method and determination of competitive advantages based on the analysis of Porter’s five forces. Conclusions. The results of the work can be used to form strategies for sustainable development and optimize export activities within the EAEU, as well as to strengthen international cooperation in the energy sector.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, risks and prospects of the EAEU, fossil energy resources and electricity, strategic planning, EAEU export policy.
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