Chekunova M.A.


Research Full Article

UDC 004.891.3

Annotation. The purpose of the article is to assess the state and prospects of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine. Today, not only scientists and researchers are joining forces to develop AI in Russia, but also the active participation of domestic leading companies is strengthening this area. Companies such as Yandex, VK, Sberbank, Gazprom Neft, Uralchem, RDIF (Russian Direct Research Fund) and others are included in the Russian Association Alliance in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Methods. The methods of scientific and technical analysis, methods of risk assessment, comparative and comparative analysis, and historical analysis were used. Results. The fields of application of artificial intelligence systems are very extensive: AI in finance, AI in defense and military affairs, AI in space systems, AI in culture and education, AI in industry, AI in sports, AI in business and trade, etc. But we consider the introduction of artificial intelligence into medicine and the social sphere to be extremely relevant. The help and the ability of AI to determine a person’s life situation is becoming important in the digital technology system. The main task is to improve the quality of people’s lives, ensure their safety, and improve the receipt of services (Fool service network) using end-to-end digital technologies. Conclusions. In our country, there is a high interest in promoting AI projects in the medical and social sphere, both from the state and from campaigns of leaders, scientists, specialists in various fields, including from modern citizens – active users of science and technology achievements. AI is already actively influencing the future development of medicine and the social sphere.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, medical development, information security, digital technologies, the role of a doctor, experience in the use of AI


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