Ahmad Zai S.G.
Research Full article
UDC 341.22-027.543
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate a harmonious approach to the protection of cultural heritage objects based on the interaction of national legislation and international legal norms, as well as a comprehensive study of the implementation of UNESCO functions for the protection of objects and cultural heritage. The relevance of the chosen research direction is that the effective development of the system of protection of cultural heritage objects allows not only to preserve unique cultural objects of cultural, historical, social and other significance, but also to unite different countries, establishing a cultural dialogue between them. The methodological basis of the research was made up of general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction), as well as special methods of scientific cognition (comparative analysis method, statistical method, method of retrospective analysis, etc.). The comparative analysis pointed to the similarities and differences in the approaches to cultural heritage in European countries in legislation. The statistical approach in this work helped to identify patterns and quantitative, financial indicators within the framework of UNESCO’s activities regarding cultural heritage. The results obtained include the author’s comparative analysis of the methods of preservation and objects of cultural inheritance (Table 1) and the compilation of the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in Spain and Russia (Table 2). In conclusion, a list of reasons that are a threat to cultural heritage sites is given.
Keywords: UNESCO, Europe, Russia, Spain, cultural heritage, declarations, conventions, recommendations, charters, threats.
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9. International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Places of Interest (Venice Charter) of May 31, 1964 // Electronic Fund of Legal and Regulatory documents – URL: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/901756982
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12. Recommendation on the protection of movable cultural property, adopted by the UN General Conference on November 28, 1978 // Electronic Fund of Legal and Regulatory Documents – URL: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/901756971901756982
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