Evseev V.O.
Scientific article
UDC 339.9;539.97
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to build a criterion for the similarity of the ideologies of state and economic management in the CIS countries, as well as in the countries of the EAEU. It was necessary to obtain quantitative indicators of the relationship between countries in order to more accurately and effectively pursue an integration policy. The methodological basis of the study was the theory of similarity, which has a developed categorical apparatus, a system of criteria and research methods. The method of comparative analysis, cluster analysis, correlation-regression analysis and modeling was used in the work. The initial information was taken from official open sources. The practical significance of the research is expressed in the fact that a formula was proposed for calculating the criterion of similarity of the ideologies of state and economic management of the countries under consideration, correlation coefficients showing the level of identity of socio-political indices between countries were obtained, a correlation and regression model of the influence of ideologies of state economic management on friendly relations with Russia was developed, and a graphical model was proposed. a two-dimensional model of the location of countries in the coordinate system: the level of identity of state ideologies and the level of friendly attitude towards Russia. The conclusions refer to the possibility of further development of the theory of similarity in the system of ideologies of state-economic management. It is said that cluster analysis revealed the presence of compact groups from countries with similar similarity criteria – these are the countries of Central Asia, the highest similarity criteria are in Russia with Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Keywords: similarity theory, the EAEU, the system of international indices, the formula of the similarity criterion of the ideology of state economic management, correlation and regression analysis, the model of friendly attitude towards Russia.
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