Kuliyev А.А., Evseev V.O.



Scientific article

UDC  332.15

Absract. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the priorities for the development of bilateral relations between Russia and Turkey. Studies have shown the complex and contradictory dynamics of the emerging historical relations, which at the present stage of historical development are realized as pragmatic and constructive relations, as relations with the growth of mutual trust among the citizens of both countries. The methodological basis of the work was modern scientific research methods, including: the method of system analysis, methods of analogies, comparative analysis, expert method, method of political sociology. The practical significance of the conducted research is expressed in the fact that the vector of constructive and pragmatic relations between the countries has been identified. The level of trust in the civil society of both countries is increasing, all respondents objectively assess international cooperation between the countries as a relationship with a high level of risk.

Keywords: Russia, Turkey, history of relations, risks of bilateral relations, sociological research


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