Antonnikov N.A. , Skripnikov I.A.


Scientific article

UDC 004.338

Abstract. The article examines the experience of using block technologies in the city of Moscow in the electoral process at the federal and municipal levels. Recent technological developments have opened up the possibility of electronic voting, and this undoubtedly carries some opportunities and threats. On the one hand, the new technology can help make voting more economical and comfortable for the voter, and even increase voter turnout. On the other hand, electronic voting can bring new risks and influence voter values such as the secrecy of voting and the place of voting as an observed institution in modern democracies.   Electronic democracy (e-democracy) has become one of the most important priorities for the development of political processes of the state. The rapid spread of the Internet since the 1990s has created great hopes for democracy. The Internet was introduced as a means for greater transparency in political life and new forms of political communication. Especially with regard to the elections, the core process of modern democracies, the Internet has promised concrete and fast benefits. Online elections can simplify and speed up the election process, as well as reduce costs, and the counting of votes and the presentation of results can be carried out faster and more reliably.Due to the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which occurs at the end of 2019 and is gradually turning into a pandemic, interest in digital technology will be of particular importance.  The pandemic has turned into a serious blow to all spheres of people’s lives. With this, countries around the world have begun to accelerate the process of digital transformation in public administration.  The article highlights the main opportunities and difficulties of using block technologies in the electoral process in Moscow.

Keywords: elections, electronic elections, digital transformation, blockchain


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