Filimonov Yu.A. , Evseev V.O.
Scientific article
UDC 332.15
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the priorities of the development of the Arctic zone as a tourist ecosystem in the subjects of the Far North. The scientific article contains a detailed description of the current situation of tourism in the regions of the Arctic zone on the basis of up-to-date statistical data; analysis of internal and external factors of sustainable development of the Arctic region; assessment of risks and competitiveness; recommendations and proposals for the effective implementation of the development of the tourism ecosystem of the Far North and the Arctic zone and mechanisms for their implementation. The methodological basis of the work was modern scientific research methods, including: dialectical, method of system analysis, methods of analogies, comparative analysis, expert method, rating analysis, methods of economic-statistical and SWOT analysis. The practical significance is expressed in the fact that on the basis of the conducted research, it is possible to develop reasonable forecasts about the trends in the development of the Arctic zone as a strategy for the development of the tourist ecosystem in the subjects of the Far North. In addition, the study presents mechanisms for mobilizing the existing economic and human resources to attract attention to the tourism sector of the Arctic from the authorities. The practical significance also lies in the possibility of using the results of the study by municipal and state authorities to solve problems of tourism development in the subjects of the Far North. The substantiation of the current development of the tourism sector of the Far North regions is given and strategic development priorities for the studied direction are developed.
Keywords: Arctic tourism, distribution of natural and climatic trade specifics, development strategies, SWOT analysis, cluster analysis, rating of regions, sustainable development, ecosystem, development strategy of the Arctic zone
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