Denisova M.P.
Research Full Article
UDC 316.356.2
Annotation. Family and family relations are the subject of research in the humanities. Fiction has a unique ability to describe family relationships as understandable and empathetic. Through the prism of the characters in the books, their thoughts, actions, words and deeds, the reader gets vivid ideas about family and family values. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the image of the family in the fiction of two periods – the USSR and modern Russia. The main research method is content analysis of popular works of fiction. The novelty of the research lies in the following. Based on the content analysis, the general trends of transformation of the family image in the fiction of these time periods are shown. A certain predominance of the full family type in works of fiction has been revealed, with a significant proportion of images of an incomplete family. In modern literature, a complete family is shown somewhat more often than in Soviet literature. Among the father’s types, an exemplary family man is found in 40% of works, and somewhat more often in modern Russian literature. The estranged father (“Sunday dad”) is found in every fifth work of fiction. In half of the cases, the father is shown as the leader of the family (this role is more manifested in Soviet literature), in every fourth work – in the main role. The overprotective mother is in the first place among the types of mother, and in Soviet literature this image is less common than in modern Russian. The vast majority of works show good family relationships, but there are more images of warm and trusting relationships in Soviet literature.
Keywords: fiction, book, family, mother, father, parents.
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