Markarian N.A., Bogachev E.M.
Research Full Article
UDC 316.77
Annotation Moscow is the capital of Russia, where the most important political decisions are made, a global city, a megacity, an agglomeration, a center for economic development and innovation, labor capital and resources, one of the largest socio-cultural spaces in the world. Therefore, it is extremely important to position her positive image in the information space of the country. The purpose of the study is to analyze the image of the capital in the federal newspaper Izvestia. The main method of empirical research is content analysis. The main semantic units are the words “Moscow” and “capital”. The study revealed that the majority of authors of publications on the subject under study are women. In the vast majority of references to semantic units, it is impossible to determine the professional status of the author. In most cases, the image of Moscow is presented not in a positive, but in a neutral context. More often, female authors mention the capital in a positive context, while male authors mention it in a neutral one. We also found that the image of the capital is most often mentioned in the context of the implementation of political, social, recreational and economic functions. The political function is manifested when using the word “Moscow” as a synonym for Russia. The social function is most often presented in the context of issues of insurance medicine and pension provision, the economic function is mass construction, budget expenditures and stability of the capital and the country as a whole against the background of a crisis situation. Recreational function is most often associated with sports topics, military-strategic – with the theme of weapons, heavy military equipment, cultural – with theatrical art, cinematography, issues of historical memory. The prospects for further research are related to the possibility of conducting a survey to identify the opinions of Muscovites regarding the social, economic, recreational and other functions of the capital.
Keywords:Moscow, the capital, the image of the capital, information space, content analysis, functions of the capital
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