Idrisova S.A., Glushakova A.S.


Research Full Article

UDC 316.774

Annotation. Cinematography occupies an important but ambiguous place in the socio-cultural space of the modern world. This is especially true of the influence of films that are popular with the audience. Based on empirical research using the content analysis method, we examined some characteristics of popular films from the rating with the dubious title “1000 films that you need to watch before you die”. It is revealed that most of the films from this list were shot during the 80-90s of the XX century. The popularity of these films can be explained by the rapid development of film industry technologies, for example, the introduction of computer graphics. During the same period, the peak of the work of the cult directors of our time falls. It is shown that about half of the films from this rating were released in the USA. This reflects the degree of global expansion of American cinema and is a powerful means of “soft” power that shapes the values of the American way of life in the modern world. It is recorded that the vast majority of these films were directed by male directors. It is determined that the most popular genre is drama. This may reflect, on the one hand, the request of a mass audience to satisfy a certain range of emotional needs, to escape into a narcotic “dream world” from real-life events. On the other hand, the popularity of the drama genre shows the degree of uncertainty, the riskiness of the modern world, in which event drama has become the usual norm. In general, we can say that in the ratings of popular films, the director’s view of the world of an American man from the impetuous, “roaring” 80-90 XX century is most often presented with a predominantly dramatic plot.

Keywords: cinematography, popular cinema, genre of cinema, popular genres, drama, socio-cultural space


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