Dzholdosheva A. R. , Shamova O. Y.
Research Full Article
UDC 330.163.15
Annotation. Conspicuous consumption is becoming a trend in the modern world, and the cult of conspicuous consumption is increasingly being expressed on the pages of glossy magazines, on social networks and in media publications. The problem in question was reflected in VOGUE magazine. The magazine sets fashion trends around the world and is a reference for many girls and women. Therefore, the values and information disseminated by this magazine are of high importance to the audience reading it and have an impact on the formation of social attitudes in the mass consciousness. The article presents the results of the author’s empirical research using the content analysis method of articles for 2011 and 2021 of this journal. It has been recorded that the number of mentions of such semantic units as brand, star, luxury and hedonism has increased markedly. Thus, the strengthening of the cult of luxury and conspicuous consumption over the past ten years has been empirically shown. It was revealed that the number of uses of the word “brand” in articles of the glossy magazine has increased markedly from 76% to 90%. It is shown that such brand flagships of the luxury world as Chanel, Dior, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Balenciaga, Dolce&Gabbana are most often mentioned. It was determined that during this period, the number of visual content symbolizing belonging to a brand has doubled. The analysis of the emotional component of the textual and visual content, the general mood of the information in the articles revealed the prevalence of a rosy-optimistic attitude towards brands. The share of critical assessments and negative attitude towards brands is extremely small, which has a significant impact on the mass consciousness.
Keywords: demonstrative consumption, consumer society, luxury cult, fashion, brand
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