Zeveltova D. V.
Научная статья
UDC 316.72
Annotation. The book continues to play a big role in the lives of modern people. At the same time, the socio-cultural space is being transformed, offering readers new formats of books and their understanding. We analyzed some of the results of the third wave of the initiative sociological research of the survey “Circle of reading fiction” (head – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Political Analysis and Socio-Psychological Processes of the Plekhanov E.V. Russian University of Economics Kargapolova), which was held in April 2022 among students of universities in Moscow and Astrakhan, namely, their attitude to quotes about books by famous people from different fields of activity. In general, students identify a book as an important element of their lives. Books remain their best friends. It is shown that the most trusted quotes for students are from authoritative personalities, most famous in wide media circles, such as, for example, German fashion designer, photographer, collector and publisher Karl Lagerfeld, British writer, screenwriter and film producer, author of a series of Harry Potter novels J.K. Rowling, Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer, Nikita Mikhalkov is a film actor, TV presenter, blogger, and public figure. Students also understand the difference between the content of a book and its form. But due to the fact that life has become very fast, the old format of books – printed – is not very convenient for students in Moscow. For Moscow students, the book has value more in its content than in its form. While Astrakhan students celebrate the cultural value of the book format.
Keywords: book, the role of the book, students, regions of Russia, media personalities.
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