Benevolenskaya N.P.


Research Full article

УДК 372.881.161.1

Abstract. The modern needs of studying Russian as a foreign language in non-linguistic universities emphasize the search for new and varied methods of presenting and presenting language material to foreign students. Linguodidacts note the need to attract new interactive, innovative teaching methods, as well as methods that would more effectively reveal the potential of students, their intellectual and creative capabilities, help increase motivation to learn, intensify cognitive activity and encourage creative search and self-improvement. The article is devoted to determining the possibilities of using the project method in teaching Russian as a foreign language working on a video as the final product of individual work in the discipline. The study suggests project topics for first- and second-year students with English as the language of instruction. The terminological apparatus of the study was also determined, the basic requirements for formulating the topic of projects, evaluation criteria, etc. were clarified.

Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, project method, project activities, project, video.


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