Birkina A.A., Makaev A.R., Evseev V. O.


Scientific article

UDC 321.01

Abstract. The article analyzes the main trends in the internal policy of Imperial Russia during the First World War and the Soviet state during the Second World War. In the course of the study, the system of emergency state construction was studied in connection with the reconstruction of the management system caused by the burden of martial law, and a comparative analysis of the experience of militarization of all spheres of society during the First World War and WWII in the context of the actions of the Russian and Soviet authorities was carried out. The analysis allows us to draw a number of conclusions regarding the key markers and indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of the state system in crisis conditions, a vivid example of which is the military situation. Markers are grouped into political, economic and cultural. Thus, firstly, the analysis of the practice of building public authorities and management in war conditions shows that the effectiveness of the state apparatus in all areas directly depends on the level of political and organizational work; Secondly, it is important that the military command and state authorities of the USSR use the experience of the past to take into account the factors that destabilized the situation at the front of the First World War, as well as in the rear, their elimination and mitigation within the framework of state-building, economic and cultural policy of the Soviet state during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Keywords: World War I, World War II, the Great Patriotic War, mobilization economy, political system, state building, institutional design, policy decisions, resource potential, markers of efficiency, the power of the state


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