Evseev V.O., Panova T.V., Sabinin I.V.
Scientific article
UDC 316.7
Absract. The purpose of the study is to construct a semantic/semantic structure of the dominant social concept, to identify signs /subordinate terms of the dominant concept, to write a semantic formula of the dominant concept. Methodological basis. For the dominant concept, for example, the concept of “public health of youth” was taken, the components were chosen, these are: biological, social, spiritual, emotional, psychological health, the component was also chosen – youth projects and programs. The GOOGL system was chosen as the search engine, in which search queries were formed from 2012 to 2022, and the number of responses to the corresponding query was calculated. The practical significance of the research is expressed in the fact that the temporal dynamics of the number of responses was revealed, a correlation analysis was carried out between the data of the dominant concept and the data that were the components of the signs, the time of return from youth projects was determined, the value of mental uncertainty was determined depending on the number of subordinate components under consideration, a regression model of the influence of subordinate components was also built on the dominant concept. In the conclusions, the main leitmotif is the expansion of the analytical capabilities of network media information and analytical platforms due to the increase in the level of competitive mental thinking and the increase in the importance of the analysis of social semantic structures
Keywords: socially significant dominant concepts, GOOGL queries, public health of youth, conjugate terms, regression and correlation analysis, model, uncertainty of mental perception.
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