Davydova Yu.A. , Dronova K. E.


Scientific article

UDC 323.2

Abstract. The article, based on the results of a sociological survey, examines the opinion of students about the parameters of an ideal candidate for deputies. It is noted that an important factor for young people are the external characteristics of the candidate, such as appearance, competent speech, the ability to evoke sympathy and self-confidence. The authors also conclude that one of the most important factors of interest to students is the pronounced leadership qualities of the candidate. The analysis of the results showed that the candidate’s views and his political position are secondary parameters of the image. At the same time, organizational skills and civic engagement were highlighted by a certain part of respondents. Communication skills, a sense of humor and willpower are considered unimportant qualities of an ideal candidate. It is stated that the most important professional qualities are knowledge of the law, the order of work of state bodies, integrity, the ability to speak and generate their ideas in front of people. The authors conclude that the student youth has a fairly clear idea of what a candidate for an elected position should be and makes rather high demands on him.

Keywords: candidate’s image, election campaign, political parties


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