Dankova Alina, Leshchenko Yulia
UDC 336.1
Annotation. The purpose of this work is to consider the phenomenon of financial pyramids and their main types, to determine the causes of their appearance, their impact on the economy and the nature of measures to combat them. The article presents the main features, stages of the life cycle, the reasons for the appearance of financial pyramids. The main types of financial pyramids are considered: single-level, multi-level, matrix and their impact on the country’s economy. The authors have determined the current state of financial pyramids, as well as state measures to combat organizations with signs of financial pyramids. The Central Bank of Russia publishes information on identified cases of financial pyramids, which allows consumers to be warned about possible risks. Conclusions. The emphasis is on early warning of consumers of financial services and on limiting the spread of illegal activities through social networks. State authorities should strive to improve mechanisms for the rapid detection of fraudulent financial schemes, control organizations suspected of this type of activity and hinder their functioning.
Keywords: financial pyramids, financial literacy, Central Bank of Russia, financial information, fraud, shadow economy, economic security, financial schemes.
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