Kovaleva Alexandra
UDC 331.109
Annotation. This article is written on the basis of the material of the final qualification work, and is devoted to the study of conflict situations related to the study of industrial organizations. A company of up to 120 people was selected with fairly stable financial and economic indicators, but with a high level of staff turnover and a high level of interpersonal conflicts, both between employees and with the company’s management. The research method. The K test was chosen as the research method. Thomas, which allows you to study five types of behavior in a team: competition, compromise, cooperation, avoidance, adaptation. Conclusions. The causes of conflicts are an unfavorable psychological situation in the team or an atmosphere of intolerance (due to the formation of opposing groups, cultural, ethnic differences of people, the actions of the leader); poor psychological communication (i.e. people do not understand, do not take into account the intentions, states of each other, do not take into account the needs of everyone).
Keywords: conflicts, production organization, team, K. Thomas test, staff turnover, atmosphere of intolerance
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