Kulikov S., Kuznetsova A., Starkovskaya D.
UDC 316.7
Annotation. Currently, there is a great increase in interest in vegetarianism in the world. In all countries, the number of people adhering to plant-based diets is increasing.
The purpose of this study is the attitude towards vegetarianism and other plant-based diets of users who publish content on the video hosting “YouTube”, based on the results of a sociological study. The study was conducted by the method of content analysis. The content analysis form included semantic units associated with the word “vegetarian”.
It is recorded that the most common semantic units were “vegetarianism”, “veganism” and “vegetarianism-raw foodism”. There are more authors covering this topic among men than among women. It was also revealed that the predominant number of authors are adherents of the diet.
Keywords: vegetarianism, plant-based diet, veganism, medicine, YouTube.
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