Musaeva I.
UDC: 316.346.2
Abstract. The study of gender inequality remains relevant for all countries, including the Russian Federation. The purpose of the research is to study gender inequality in modern Russian society among residents of Moscow, implemented under the guidance and direct participation of the author of the article by the online questionnaire method. The novelty of the study is as follows. It is shown that the majority of respondents recognize the presence of gender inequality in the modern urban space. It has been revealed that there are gender stereotypes among Moscow residents regarding the roles of men and women in the family: a woman is obliged to monitor the household, and a man is obliged to provide financially. However, the proportion of those who express complete disagreement with existing gender stereotypes is also recorded. It is determined that the respondents’ attitude to gender stereotypes is contradictory, which indicates the individual characteristics of the perception of sexual roles.Prospects for further research are associated with conducting content analysis to identify the main causes of gender inequality in modern Russian society and to identify stereotypes common among the population of Moscow.
Keywords: gender, social inequality, gender inequality, gender stereotypes, modern russian society.
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