Shcherbakov G.K., Lebedev E.A., Yakushevich K.M.
Research Full Article
UDC 327.58
Annotation. The current situation in the global economy is characterized by a slowdown in development, which is primarily due to political reasons. Institutions of international integration and cooperation such as the WTO pursue economic policies aimed at satisfying the interests of a group of developed Western countries. It is obvious that the imperialist world order is no longer effective, and its serious restructuring is required. One of the options for a new world order is to deepen Eurasian regionalization and create a Eurasian Trade Organization. During the writing of the article, the main general scientific research methods were used: documentary research, a systematic approach, historical and logical analysis. The purpose of this article is to build a theoretical justification for the creation of a new organization in the territory of Greater Eurasia, capable of forming an alternative to the WTO in the relevant space. Research results: development of the main directions for further research in the field of substantiation of the need to deepen Eurasian economic integration and the creation of the Eurasian Trade Organization.
Keywords: Greater Eurasia, Greater Eurasian Partnership, Eurasian Trade Organization, new world order; regionalism, transregionalism
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