Sheveleva Yu.
UDC 332.02
Annotation. The restoration of interregional economic ties is a priority of Russia’s modern spatial policy. This is evidenced by the approval by the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025 of a new macro-regional concept designed to strengthen interregional cooperation on attracting investment, building the necessary infrastructure. The concept of the research implies that spatial “spillovers” of economic growth and development throughout Russia will be possible only if there are stable and strong interconnections between regional systems. Methodology. The article presents the results of assessing the spatial economic connectivity of the subjects of the Russian Federation within the selected macro-regions for the period of adoption of the Strategy according to the Moran methodology. Results. The analysis of the calculated materials made it possible to identify the level of exposure of the economic growth rates of the regions within the boundaries of future areas for dialogue and cooperation, to identify the types of inclusive development of the subjects of the Russian Federation included in the macro-regional system.
Keywords: spatial development strategy, inclusive regional development, spatial economy, interregional relations, macroregions, Moran’s methodology
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