Stepina M., Davydova Yu.
UDC 323.2
Abstract. In the article, on the example of the Russian Federation, the model of constructing a political course in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic is considered. As markers for determining the effectiveness of the chosen model of political management, the timeliness of the restrictions imposed, the percentage of testing the population for virus detection, economic support of the population and the degree of consolidation of society are highlighted. Based on this analysis, the timeliness of the introduction of restrictive measures in the Russian Federation compared to the United States, where isolation was delayed and could not contain the spread of coronavirus infection, is noted. The article concludes that citizens’ assessment of the level of economic support during the period of isolation is insufficiently high, it is noted that vaccination causes a negative response from the population. It is stated that the model of the political course chosen in the conditions of the pandemic needs some adjustment in order to strengthen the consolidation of society in the face of new challenges.
Keywords: political course in a pandemic, coronavirus infection, models of political governance
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