Zemlyanskaya S., Davydova Yu.


UDC 321.7

Abstract. This article examines the level and quality of democracy in Japanese society. To identify markers of the effective functioning of institutions, elements and the degree of acceptance of democratic values by society, the Vanhanen Tattoo Index, the Cutright Political Development Index and the Gallagher Index were used. For a qualitative analysis of the national democratic practices of Japan, the parameters proposed by A.Y. Melville in the project “Political Atlas of Modernity” were selected. The article concludes that the main institutions of democracy operate in Japan, the analysis of markers showed that democratic mechanisms and procedures function quite effectively. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that the national specifics of the functioning of the political system are preserved in Japan, which is manifested in the dominance of the party representation of one party and in the low percentage of women’s representation in government institutions.

Keywords: democracy, democratic institutions, markers of the effectiveness of democracy


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